Lesser Trefoil - Yellow Suckling Clover
Lesser Trefoil also known as Yellow Suckling Clover is one of the most common and troublesome weeds found in closely mown turf and lawns. This weed tends to cause more head aches than any other weed than our readers come across. However with the correct maintenance program it can be successfully eradicated from the lawn.
Germander Speedwell
Germander speedwell and its cousin 'Slender Speedwell' are two of the most troublsome weeds found in turf, not only do they spread aggresively, they are both very resistant to lawn weed killers.
White Clover
White Clover (Trifolium repens) is one of the most common of all turf weeds found on lawns in the UK. Click here for more information including identification and control of this common lawn weed.